Kazarian Case Analysis: Implications on the Evaluation of Evidentiary Criteria in Certain Form I-140 Petitions

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. I. Introduction The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has delegated the authority to make determinations of eligibility regarding immigrant petitions filed under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (INA) in Section 203(b) and Title 8 (Aliens and Nationality) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 204.5 to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). There are currently three classifications under Section 203(b), however this article Read more [...]

跨国公司经理绿卡申请公司规模有限制吗 Does the Company Size Matter for EB1C Mutational Manager/Executive Application?

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. 對於很多想申請EB1C綠卡的跨國公司經理人 (或是想收購或投資一家美國公司,藉此申請綠卡)的外國人來說,一個很大的疑問是,公司的規模有沒有限制,這篇文章對這個疑惑提出一個解答。 What does the law say? Immigration law states that: If staffing levels are used as a factor in determining whether an individual is acting in a managerial or executive capacity, the Attorney General shall take into Read more [...]

Case Study: AAO Sustained an EB1-A Appeal of a Petition for a Chess Player

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. Background: The petitioner seeks classification as an employment-based immigrant pursuant to section 203(b)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (the Act), 8 U.S.C. s 1153(b)(1)(A), as an alien of extraordinary ability. The director determined that the petitioner had not established the sustained national or international acclaim required for classification as an alien of extraordinary ability. USCIS Decision: The director determined the petitioner had Read more [...]

Case Study: AAO Sustained an EB1-A Appeal of a Petition for an Artist

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. Background: The petitioner seeks classification as an employment-based immigrant pursuant to section 203(b)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (the Act), 8 U.S.C. s 1153(b)(1)(A), as an alien of extraordinary ability. The director determined that the petitioner had not established the sustained national or international acclaim required for classification as an alien of extraordinary ability as an artist. USCIS Decision: The director determined the petitioner Read more [...]

Comparing the Three Groups in Priority Workers: Extraordinary Worker, Exceptional Professor/Researcher and Multinational Executive/Manager

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. Congress has made green cards easily available for certain businesspeople, professors and researchers, and people with special talents. Foreign persons qualifying in this category don't need to show that no U.S. workers are available to do the job. Petitioners under EB1 category do not need labor certification before they do I-140 petition and therefore skip the cumbersome process. In addition, all EB-1 visas are current so foreign beneficiaries in this preference Read more [...]

What is Two-step Analysis for EB1-A and EB1-B Petitions? Using EB1-A as an Example

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. Petitioners of EB1, like petitioners in other immigrant categories, need to submit a petition letter and related evidence to support the claims in the petition letter to the USCIS. There is no specific format required. However, petitioners are suggested to follow attentively the requirements specified in law and the USCIS rules. Many applicants seeking to apply to EB-1 and EB-2 are concerned about the new two-step approach of analysis used by the USCIS now. This Read more [...]

USCIS Releases I-140 Approval/Denial Statistics for EB-1 Cases from 2005 to 2010: Steadily Increasing Approval Rate for EB1-A and High Approval Rate for EB1-B

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released statistics on approval and denial rates for employment-based Form I-140 petitions involving EB1-A Aliens of Extraordinary Ability and EB1-B Outstanding Professors/Researchers on 02/28/2011. EB1-A Alien of Extraordinary ability and EB1-B Outstanding Professors or Researchers are two of the subgroups of first preference employment-based immigrant visa, they are also called “priority workers.“ No labor certification Read more [...]

Case Study: AAO dismissed an EB1-A Appeal of a Petition for an Alien Choreographer

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. Background: The petitioner is involved in the performing arts. It seeks to classify the beneficiary as an employment-based immigrant pursuant to section 203(b)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act as an alien of extraordinary ability in the arts. Specifically, the petitioner seeks to classify the beneficiary as an alien with extraordinary ability as a choreographer. USCIS Decision: The director determined the petitioner had not established that the beneficiary Read more [...]

Make your Petition Letter More Convincing — How Should you Argue your EB1-A Case?

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. A petition letter plays an essential role in EB1-A application. A good petition letter which displays supporting evidence in a clear and convincing way will save the time and energy of adjudicating officers, which in turn, will substantially enhance your chance of approval in a fast manner. The following are two tips of presenting evidence in your EB1-A petition letter. 1. Providing Basis of Comparison One way to address USCIS questions about whether you “are Read more [...]

What should be Included in a Recommendation Letter in EB1-A, EB1-B or NIW application?

by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. In my previous article, I discussed whom you should turn to for a recommendation letter for your I-140 Immigrant Worker Petition. In this article, I will lay out what should be included in a recommendation letter. Qualifications of the Recommender A recommendation letter needs to include the description of the drafter. An introduction of the employer should be made if a job has been offered. If the drafter comments on the foreign person's achievements or research, Read more [...]